JUMP TOSynctera APIIntroductionNeed to KnowCustomersDisclosuresList disclosuresgetCreate disclosure recordpostGet disclosuregetAddressesList AddressesgetCreate a addresspostGet address information by idgetUpdate address information by idpatchMonitoringList monitoring alertsgetRetrieve a monitoring alertgetUpdate a monitoring alertpatchList monitoring subscriptionsgetSubscribe a customer or business to monitoringpostDelete monitoring subscriptiondeleteRetrieve monitoring subscriptiongetPersonsList personsgetCreate a personpostCreate a personal identifierpostDelete a personal identifierdeleteUpdate a personal identifierpatchGet persongetUpdate personpatchRelationshipsList relationshipsgetCreate a relationshippostDelete relationshipdeleteGet relationshipgetUpdate relationshippatchBusinessesList businessgetCreate a businesspostGet businessgetPatch businesspatchLicenseslist licensesgetCreate a license and associate it with a businesspostGet licensegetPatch LicensepatchKYC/KYB VerificationsList verificationsgetCreate a verificationpostCheck if an individual is on any watchlistspostVerify a customer's identitypostGet verificationgetAccountsExternal AccountsList external accountsgetAdd an external accountpostCreate a permanent access token for an external accountpostAdd external accounts through a vendor, such as Plaid.postCreate a link token to verify an external accountpostSync external accounts through a vendor, such as Plaid.postDelete an external accountdeleteGet an external accountgetPatch an external accountpatchGet external account balancesgetSync external account transactions through a vendor, such as PlaidpostList transactions of a given external accountgetInternal AccountsList internal accountsgetAdd internal accountspostGet internal account by idgetPatch internal accountpatchSpend ControlsList Spend ControlsgetCreate Spend ControlpostGet Spend ControlgetUpdate Spend ControlpatchAccountsList accountsgetCreate an accountpostList account productsgetCreate an account productpostPatch account productpatchList stop paymentsgetList account templatesgetCreate an account templatepostDelete account templatedeleteGet account templategetUpdate account templateputGet accountgetPatch accountpatchUpdate accountputInitiate account closurepostList account relationshipsgetCreate account relationshippostDelete account relationshipdeleteGet account relationshipgetUpdate account relationshipputStatementsList statementsgetGet a statementgetGet a statement's transactionsgetCardsExternal CardsList External CardsgetAuthenticate 3DSpostInitialize 3DSpostLookup 3DSpostCreate External Card from tokenpostList External Card TransfersgetCreate External Card TransferpostGet External Card TransfergetCreate External Card Transfer ReversalpostDelete External CarddeleteGet External CardgetUpdate External CardpatchCardsList CardsgetIssue a CardpostActivate a cardpostGet card widget URLgetList GatewaysgetCreate GatewaypostGet GatewaygetUpdate GatewaypatchList Card Image DetailsgetCreate Card ImagepostGet Card Image DetailsgetUpdate Card Image DetailspatchGet Card Image DatagetUpload Card ImagepostList Card ProductsgetGet single-use tokenpostGet CardgetUpdate CardpatchGet Card BarcodegetList Card ChangesgetGet a client tokenpostDigital Wallet TokensList Digital Wallet TokensgetGet Digital Wallet TokengetUpdate Digital Wallet Token's life cycle statuspatchCreate digital wallet token provision request for Apple PaypostCreate digital wallet token provision request for Google PaypostMoney MovementCash Orders and Deposits (alpha)Get cash transfersgetGet cash authorizationsgetCash Authorization for an upcoming transferpostGet cash order authorizationgetUpdate a cash order authorizationpatchGet cash transfergetUpdate a cash transferpatchWiresList outgoing wiresgetSend a wirepostGet an outgoing wire by idgetCancel an outgoing wirepatchACHList sent ACH transactionsgetSend an ACHpostList All Gateway ConfigurationsgetCreate New Gateway Endpoint ConfigurationpostDelete Gateway Endpoint Configuration by IDdeleteGet Gateway Endpoint Configuration By IDgetUpdate Gateway Endpoint Configuration By IDpatchList Incoming ACH TransactionsgetGet Incoming ACH Transaction By IDgetGet a sent ACH transactiongetUpdate a sent ACH transactionpatchEFT Canada (Beta)Get EFT Canada TransfersgetCreate EFT Canada TransferpostGet EFT Canada TransfergetUpdate a EFT Canada TransferpatchPaymentSchedulesList payment schedulesgetCreate a payment schedulepostList paymentsgetUpdate a payment schedulepatchRemote Check Deposit (beta)List Remote Check DepositsgetCreate a Remote Check DepositpostGet Remote Check DepositgetInternal TransferCreate an internal transferpostGet an internal transfergetUpdate an internal transferpatchIncoming WiresList incoming wiresgetGet incoming wire by idgetUpdate an incoming wire by idpatchTransactionsMerchantsGet merchant from MXgetTransactionsGet Transactions From Batch Payments TemplatesgetList pending transactionsgetGet a pending transactiongetList posted transactionsgetGet a posted transactiongetPlatformWebhooksRevoke the secretdeleteCreate a secretpostReplace an existing secretputList webhooksgetCreate a webhookpostTrigger an eventpostDelete a webhookdeleteGet a webhookgetUpdate a webhookputList webhook eventsgetGet webhook eventgetResend an eventpostDocumentsList documentsgetCreate a documentpostDelete a documentdeleteGet a documentgetUpdate a documentpatchGet contents of latest document versiongetCreate a new document versionpostGet a document by versiongetGet document contents by versiongetNotesList notesgetCreate a notepostPatch NotepatchInstitutions (Beta)Retrieve a list of institutionsgetEDDList EDDgetCreate a EDDpostDelete a EDDdeleteGet a EDDgetSandbox WipeDelete datapostSimulationsCard Webhook SimulationsSimulate Card Fulfillment EventpostACH Transaction SimulationsSimulate receiving ACH returnpostSimulate receiving ACH transactionpostWire Transaction SimulationsSimulate receiving Wire transfer returnpostSimulate receiving Wire transactionpostCard Transaction SimulationsSimulate authorizationpostSimulate authorization advicepostSimulate clearing or refundpostSimulate L2l3postSimulate financialpostSimulate financial advicepostSimulate balance inquirypostSimulate OCTpostSimulate ATM withdrawalpostSimulate reversalpostDeprecatedKYC Verification (deprecated)List verification resultsgetCreate a customer verification resultpostGet verification resultgetVerify a customer's identitypostCustomersList CustomersgetCreate a CustomerpostGet CustomergetPatch CustomerpatchUpdate CustomerputDisclosures (deprecated)List DisclosuresgetCreate a DisclosurepostWatchlist (deprecated)Update watchlist alertputList watchlist monitoring subscriptions for a customergetUpdate watchlist monitoring subscriptionputGet contents of latest document versionget https://api-sandbox.synctera.com/v0/documents/{document_id}/contentsReturns the bytes of the requested document.