Checkings and Savings Statements

Synctera APIs provide all the raw data necessary to create a periodic account statement. The contents of a deposit account statement may be governed by various regulations, therefore it is essential to add the necessary fields when creating a periodic statement. Please consult with your compliance officer further.

Statement content

In order to produce regulatory-compliant, human-readable statements, this API provides the following information:

statement_typeThe type of the statement, i.e. DEPOSIT
start_date and end_dateThe date interval covered by the statement, inclusive.
issue_dateThe date the statement was issued.
opening_balance and closing_balanceThe final posted balances recorded at the beginning of start_date and at the end of end_date.
disclosureA suggested disclosure statement to display.
total_transactionsThe number of transactions posted during this statement period. See this section for guidance on how to access the full list of transactions.
account_summary-Information about the account.
account_summaryfinancial_institutionInformation about the financial institution managing the account.
customer_service_details-Contact information for use by the customer if they wish to dispute the information in this statement.
primary_account_holder_personal-When account_summary.customer_type is PERSONAL then primary_account_holder_personal contains information about the person acting as primary account holder.
primary_account_holder_business-When account_summary.customer_type is BUSINESS then primary_account_holder_business contains information about the company holding this account.
joint_account_holders-A list of all individuals designated as joint account holders for this account.
authorized_signer-A list of all individuals designated as authorized signers for this account.
saving_summaryapyIf the account has an interest product associated with it, this field will describe the APY earned based on the interest payout in this period.
saving_summaryinterest_earned and interest_earned_ytdIf the account has an interest product associated with it, this field will describe the interest earned on during this billing period, and the sum of interest earned during the calendar year.
saving_summaryinterest_previous_month and interest_previous_yearThe total interest accrued by the linked account at the end of this statement, both for the previous statement period and for the previous calendar year.

For more details about the schema returned by this API, please refer to the Statements API specification.

Here is a sample statement produced using the information provided by this API.