Card Transaction Disputes


In order to manage the card dispute process, the Synctera API provides support for the required tasks such as submitting a dispute to the network, uploading supporting documentation and retrieving information from the card network. As mentioned under Transaction Disputes, a Dispute Case gets automatically created once a dispute is opened. The Dispute Case is used to track and reflect the dispute status through the Synctera Console.

What Transactions Can Be Disputed?

  • Only posted transactions can be disputed, and only if within 120 days from the settlement. A pending transaction cannot be disputed.
  • A dispute cannot exceed the amount of the original transaction.

Network Eligibility

Even if a transaction can be disputed, it may not be eligible for a chargeback with the network. In order to be eligible for a chargeback, a transaction must not be processed with a digital wallet token or authenticated using 3DS. The API response will return an object with any network eligibility restrictions:

  "network_eligibility": {
    "is_digital_wallet_token": false,
    "is_three_ds": false

Disputes which are not network eligible may be chosen to be written off. Refer to Write Offs below.

Chargeback Dispute Lifecycle

The chargeback dispute lifecycle involves a series of actions between the issuer and acquirer, which continues until a decision is reached on who is financially responsible for the dispute. The dispute lifecycle is also described in this article.

1. Chargeback

Time frame within 120 days of settlement of the transaction.

A chargeback is submitted by the issuer when the transaction meets the conditions listed in the reason codes found below.

2. Representment

Time frame within 45 days of chargeback.

A representment occurs when the acquiring bank either has evidence to prove that the chargeback does not meet the requirements of the reason code or can provide information that addresses the original reason for the dispute.

3. Pre-arbitration

Time frame within 45 days of representment.

Pre-arbitration is the final chance for the issuing bank to provide further evidence that the cardholder should be refunded for their transaction.

Some chargeback reason codes allow for an arbitration case to be filed without the need for pre-arbitration. This will be reflected in the list of available actions on the dispute.

4. Arbitration

Time frame within 75 days of pre-arbitration.

In the event that the issuer and acquirer cannot settle on an outcome of the financial responsibility of the transaction, the dispute can be raised to arbitration. Arbitration leaves the decision of who is financially responsible in the hands of third party arbitrators (the card network).

Issuers and acquirers generally choose to avoid arbitration as it involves fees as high as $500 or more per case in addition to any other fees associated with the dispute.

Compliance Lifecycle

In the event that either the issuer or acquirer has violated network rules or the reason for dispute does not apply to one of the available reason codes a compliance case can be raised with the network.

A compliance case can be filed by the issuer or acquirer - the cardholder is not involved in the decision. A compliance case can be filed against a transaction by either party any time prior to the start of the chargeback dispute lifecycle. In the event that a chargeback dispute lifecycle has completed and either party believes that the transaction is valid for compliance, the transaction can be sent to the network in a subsequent compliance case.


Time frame within 90 days of settlement of the transaction.

Pre-compliance is the first step in the compliance case lifecycle and gives both parties the opportunity to settle the dispute before raising to compliance.


Time frame within 120 days of settlement of the transaction.

In the event that the issuer and acquirer cannot settle the case during pre-compliance, a compliance case may be created. The card network will determine who is financially responsible.

Write Offs

In cases where a transaction's value is lower than the cost of pursuing a dispute or the transaction doesn't meet eligibility requirements of the network, it can be written off. Once a write off has been created, a provisional credit can be issued if required and no further action is needed.

Dispute Networks


Available Networks

Initially, all transactions will be processed through Marqeta. Soon thereafter (planned August 2024), transactions for certain Mastercard programs will be processed directly through Mastercard. Direct integration with the Visa network is on the future roadmap. However, this doesn’t mean Visa transactions cannot be disputed, only that the network returned for those transactions will continue to be MARQETA until we integrate directly with Visa.

When a dispute is created the processing network will be determined and returned in the API responses network field. Depending on the processing network available actions may be limited.

MASTERCARDMastercard dual message transactions can be processed directly with the Mastercard network. All actions will be available. Dual message transactions are transactions that are processed over the credit networks, and have an authorization and a clearing component.
MARQETAAll other transactions will be processed through Marqeta - Marqeta handles the direct communication with the networks’ dispute management systems. A limited action set will be available for write off and provisional credit actions. In the event a chargeback is being pursued, further action will need to be taken by Synctera Ops (Ground Control). The dispute will continue to be updated with action history as available. Updates will trigger a webhook event and be available through all GET operations.

Reason Code

Reason CodeDescription
ATM_CASH_DISPUTESome or all funds debited from the cardholder's account as the result of an ATM withdrawal were not dispensed.
CARD_LOST_STOLEN_NEVER_RECEIVEDThe cardholder did not authorize the transaction and the card is no longer, or had never been, in the possession of the cardholder.
CHIP_LIABILITY_SHIFTA fraudulent transaction resulted from the use of a counterfeit card at a non-hybrid terminal for a validly issued emv card.
COUNTERFEIT_GOODSThe cardholder claims that the goods were purported to be genuine, but were counterfeit.
CREDIT_NOT_RECEIVEDThe cardholder's account was not credited for a refund from a merchant or was inaccurately debited instead of credited.
DEFECTIVE_GOODS_OR_SERVICESGoods or services were either not as described or defective, including shipped merchandise was received damaged or not suitable for its intended purpose as well as the merchant didn't honor the terms and conditions of a contract.
DISPUTE_OF_RECURRING_TRANSACTIONThe cardholder notified the merchant to cancel the recurring transaction and the merchant continued to bill the cardholder or the cardholder was not aware they were agreeing to a recurring transaction.
DUPLICATE_TRANSACTIONThe same transaction has been processed more than once, resulting in duplicate charges.
FRAUDULENT_PROCESSINGThe cardholder is in possession and control of all valid cards, processed at least one legitimate face-to-face transaction, and denies making one or more additional face-to-face transactions at the same merchant location.
GOODS_OR_SERVICES_NOT_PROVIDEDThe cardholder has been debited for goods or services that were to be shipped, delivered or otherwise provided and were not received by the expected delivery date.
LATE_PRESENTMENTThe transaction was authorized offline by the chip and submitted for clearing more than 7 calendar days after the transaction date.
PAID_BY_OTHER_MEANSThe cardholder used a different form of payment for this specific transaction. (Mastercard pre-compliance/compliance only)
TRANSACTION_AMOUNT_DIFFERSThe amount of the transaction does not match the agreed-upon or expected amount.
TRANSACTION_DID_NOT_COMPLETEThe cardholder engaged in the transaction and claims it did not complete. Goods or services were not provided.
TRANSACTION_NOT_RECOGNIZEDThe account holder does not recognize the transaction, possibly due to mistake or fraud.
UNAUTHORIZED_TRANSACTIONThe transaction was not authorized by the account holder.

Card Dispute Lifecycle States

Chargeback Lifecycle

DENIEDThe dispute has been denied.
PENDING_ACTIONA dispute has been created and is pending subsequent action.
WRITE_OFFThe dispute has been written off and will not be filed with the card network.
CHARGEBACKA chargeback has been created with the card network. The acquiring bank now has the opportunity to file for re-presentment. If no re-presentment is filed the acquirer assumes financial responsibility and the case is won.
NETWORK_REJECTED_CHARGEBACKThe chargeback submission has been rejected by the card network. The chargeback can be optionally resubmitted once the rejection reason has been addressed.
NETWORK_REJECTED_CHARGEBACK_REVERSALThe chargeback reversal has been rejected by the card network.
REPRESENTMENTThe acquiring bank has created a re-presentment with the card network. The issuing bank now has the opportunity to file for pre-arbitration. If no pre-arbitration is filed the issuer assumes financial responsibility and the case is lost.
PRE_ARBITRATIONA pre-arbitration case has been created with the network. The acquiring bank now has the opportunity to rebut the case with subsequent evidence. If no rebuttal is filed the acquirer assumes financial responsibility and the case is won.
PRE_ARBITRATION_RESPONSEThe acquiring bank has rebutted the pre-arbitration case. The issuing bank now has the opportunity to file for arbitration. If no arbitration case is filed the issuer assumes financial responsibility and the case is lost.
ARBITRATIONAn arbitration case has been created with the card network. The acquiring bank now has the opportunity to rebut the arbitration case with subsequent evidence.
ARBITRATION_RESPONSEThe acquiring bank has rebutted the arbitration case. The issuing bank can either withdraw the case or do nothing and the card network will make a decision on who assumes the financial responsibility.

Compliance Lifecycle

PRE_COMPLIANCEA pre-compliance case has been created by either the issuer or acquirer.
PRE_COMPLIANCE_RESPONSEThe opposing party has rebutted the pre-compliance case with further evidence.
COMPLIANCEThe initiating party has escalated the pre-compliance case to compliance.
COMPLIANCE_RESPONSEThe opposing party has rebutted the compliance case with further evidence.

Action History

Available Issuer Actions

Based on the lifecycle state of a dispute a set of available actions will be provided in the response of the dispute. At any point a subsequent action can be taken to either accept financial responsibility of the dispute or continue to pursue the dispute further.

PENDING_ACTIONWRITE_OFFCREATERESOLVEDWrite off the dispute without filing on the card network.
PENDING_ACTIONCHARGEBACKCREATEONGOINGFile a chargeback with the card network.
REPRESENTMENTREPRESENTMENTACCEPTLOSTAccept financial responsibility of the dispute after reviewing the evidence of the re-presentment.
REPRESENTMENTPRE_ARBITRATIONCREATEONGOINGFile a pre-arbitration case with the network.
PRE_ARBITRATION_RESPONSEPRE_ARBITRATIONREVERSELOSTWithdraw the pre-arbitration case after reviewing the evidence in the pre-arbitration response.
ARBITRATION_RESPONSEARBITRATIONREVERSELOSTWithdraw the arbitration case after reviewing the evidence in the arbitration response.

Acquirer Actions

Based on the lifecycle state of a dispute a set of actions can be received from the network and will be reflected through the dispute webhooks.

CHARGEBACKCHARGEBACKACCEPTWONChargeback was accepted by the acquiring bank.
CHARGEBACKREPRESENTMENTCREATEONGOINGThe acquiring bank has filed a re-presentment with the card network.
REPRESENTMENTREPRESENTMENTREVERSEWONThe acquiring bank has withdrawn the re-presentment.
PRE_ARBITRATIONPRE_ARBITRATIONREBUTONGOINGThe acquiring bank has rebutted the pre-arbitration case with further evidence.
PRE_ARBITRATIONPRE_ARBITRATIONACCEPTWONThe acquiring bank has accepted financial responsibility of the dispute after reviewing the evidence in the pre-arbitration case.
ARBITRATIONARBITRATIONREBUTONGOINGThe acquiring bank has rebutted the arbitration case with further evidence.
ARBITRATIONARBITRATIONACCEPTWONThe acquiring bank has accepted financial responsibility of the dispute after reviewing the evidence in the arbitration case.

Provisional Credits

Provisional credits may be issued to the cardholder as a temporary measure while investigating the dispute. Whether or not a provisional credit is required, is determined by the applicable regulations.

The relevant regulations/timelines that apply can be derived from the transaction being disputed by identifying which type of card program the transaction belongs to.

BIN CountryCustomer TypeCard/BIN TypeRegulation
USConsumerDebitRegulation E
USConsumerCreditRegulation Z

To Summarize:

  • Regulation E (US) applies to consumer debit transactions - it mandates issuance of provisional credit to the customer account while the dispute is under investigation (within 10 business days for established customers, and within 20 business days for new customers)
  • Regulation Z (US) applies to consumer credit transactions - it mandates that a transaction that is under dispute is not included in the outstanding/due balances, and is not included in the available credit balance
  • These regulations also have strict timelines around customer notifications, which is ultimately the responsibility of the FinTech - for details, see this article
  • There are no specific regulations around commercial transactions
  • Card networks also have their own “zero liability” policies (US and CA) - cardholders won’t be held responsible for unauthorized charges made with their card or card information provided they promptly report the issue
  • Note that although issuance of provisional credit may not be mandated by regulations, the FinTech may still decide to issue provisional credit

Complex Business Flow Example

The following example will walk through an example card dispute that resulted in a case lost in the representment lifecycle.

1. Dispute Created

A dispute is created on behalf of the cardholder.

curl \ 
-X POST \ 
$baseurl/v1/disputes \ 
-H "Authorization: Bearer $apiKey" \ 
--json '
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "transaction_id": {TRANSACTION_ID},
  "disputed_amount": 500,
  "date_customer_reported": "2024-05-28T12:25:00.000Z",
  "memo": "Some details about the reason for creating the dispute.",
  "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION"
  "account_id": "018fc166-8874-7f3c-943a-178ad1c31903",
  "applicable_regulation": "REGULATION_Z",
  "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "credit_status": "NONE",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customer_id": "018fc166-b34b-7211-aa8d-1ca6c6b7b1e8",
  "date_customer_reported": "2024-05-28T12:25:00Z",
  "decision": "ONGOING",
  "dispute_documents": [],
  "disputed_amount": 500,
  "external_reference_id": "030964295796",
  "id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
  "last_updated_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "memo": "Some details about the reason for creating the dispute.",
  "network": "MASTERCARD",
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "status": "OPEN",
  "tenant": "asbght_iujkio",
  "transaction_id": "018fc168-3ce3-7839-8cd3-a653bc4aa9bc",
  "action_history": [],
  "available_actions": [
      "action": "PROVISIONAL_CREDIT",
      "state": "CREATE"
      "action": "WRITE_OFF",
      "state": "CREATE"
      "action": "CHARGEBACK",
      "state": "CREATE",
      "timestamp_valid_to": "2024-08-23T00:00:00Z"
      "action": "PRE_COMPLIANCE",
      "state": "CREATE",
      "timestamp_valid_to": "2024-07-24T00:00:00Z"
  "lifecycle_state": "PENDING_ACTION",
  "network_eligibility": {
    "is_digital_wallet_token": false,
    "is_three_ds": false
  "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION"

2. Chargeback Action

Supporting documentation providing evidence for the chargeback is uploaded to the dispute.

curl \
$baseurl/v1/disputes/{$dispute_id}/documents \ 
-H "Authorization: Bearer $apiKey" \ 
-F [email protected]
  "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:56:12.921781Z",
  "dispute_id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
  "file_name": "file.pdf",
  "id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
  "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"

The chargeback action is created with the supporting documentation.

curl \ 
-X POST \ 
$baseurl/v1/disputes/{$dispute_id}/actions \ 
-H "Authorization: Bearer $apiKey" \ 
--json '
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "action": "CHARGEBACK",
  "state": "CREATE",
  "supporting_doc_id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
  "message": "Some things about chargeback" 

Dispute State

At this point the dispute reflects the chargeback action, timelines and regulations for provisional credits and any subsequent actions that can be taken by the issuer on the dispute.

  "account_id": "018fc166-8874-7f3c-943a-178ad1c31903",
  "applicable_regulation": "REGULATION_Z",
  "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "credit_status": "NONE",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customer_id": "018fc166-b34b-7211-aa8d-1ca6c6b7b1e8",
  "date_customer_reported": "2024-05-28T12:25:00Z",
  "decision": "ONGOING",
  "dispute_documents": [
      "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:56:12.921781Z",
      "dispute_id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
      "file_name": "file.pdf",
      "id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
  "disputed_amount": 500,
  "external_reference_id": "030964295796",
  "id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
  "last_updated_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "memo": "Some details about the reason for creating the dispute.",
  "network": "MASTERCARD",
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "status": "OPEN",
  "tenant": "asbght_iujkio",
  "transaction_id": "018fc168-3ce3-7839-8cd3-a653bc4aa9bc",
  "action_history": [
      "action": "CHARGEBACK",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:58:30.396998Z",
      "external_reference_id": "806796815213",
      "id": "018fc16e-0355-7cea-bf80-b0eddd63d48a",
      "message": "test chargeback",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION",
      "status": "SUBMITTED",
      "supporting_doc_id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
  "available_actions": [
      "action": "PROVISIONAL_CREDIT",
      "state": "CREATE"
      "action": "CHARGEBACK",
      "state": "REVERSE"
  "lifecycle_state": "CHARGEBACK",
  "network_eligibility": {
    "is_digital_wallet_token": false,
    "is_three_ds": false
  "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION"

3. Post Provisional Credit

curl \ 
-X POST \ 
$baseurl/v1/disputes/{$dispute_id}/actions \ 
-H "Authorization: Bearer $apiKey" \ 
--json '
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "state": "CREATE"

Dispute State

The dispute now reflects the new provisional credit state.

  "account_id": "018fc166-8874-7f3c-943a-178ad1c31903",
  "applicable_regulation": "REGULATION_Z",
  "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "credit_status": "PROVISIONAL",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customer_id": "018fc166-b34b-7211-aa8d-1ca6c6b7b1e8",
  "date_customer_reported": "2024-05-28T12:25:00Z",
  "decision": "ONGOING",
  "dispute_documents": [
      "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:56:12.921781Z",
      "dispute_id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
      "file_name": "file.pdf",
      "id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
  "disputed_amount": 500,
  "external_reference_id": "030964295796",
  "id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
  "last_updated_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "memo": "Some details about the reason for creating the dispute.",
  "network": "MASTERCARD",
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "status": "OPEN",
  "tenant": "asbght_iujkio",
  "transaction_id": "018fc168-3ce3-7839-8cd3-a653bc4aa9bc",
  "action_history": [
      "action": "CHARGEBACK",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:58:30.396998Z",
      "external_reference_id": "806796815213",
      "id": "018fc16e-0355-7cea-bf80-b0eddd63d48a",
      "message": "test chargeback",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION",
      "status": "SUBMITTED",
      "supporting_doc_id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
      "action": "PROVISIONAL_CREDIT",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-30T20:26:10.544524Z",
      "id": "018fcb2f-50f4-7514-a82d-e6143f57f25f",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "status": "SUBMITTED",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
  "available_actions": [
      "action": "PROVISIONAL_CREDIT",
      "state": "REVERSE"
      "action": "CHARGEBACK",
      "state": "REVERSE"
  "lifecycle_state": "CHARGEBACK",
  "network_eligibility": {
    "is_digital_wallet_token": false,
    "is_three_ds": false
  "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION"

4. Webhook Received for Representment

Dispute State

The dispute now reflects the new representment state with the supporting documentation received from the network.

  "account_id": "018fc166-8874-7f3c-943a-178ad1c31903",
  "applicable_regulation": "REGULATION_Z",
  "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "credit_status": "PROVISIONAL",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customer_id": "018fc166-b34b-7211-aa8d-1ca6c6b7b1e8",
  "date_customer_reported": "2024-05-28T12:25:00Z",
  "decision": "ONGOING",
  "dispute_documents": [
      "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:56:12.921781Z",
      "dispute_id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
      "file_name": "file.pdf",
      "id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
      "creation_time": "2024-05-230T22:56:12.921781Z",
      "dispute_id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
      "file_name": "file.pdf",
      "id": "018fcb30-90a1-7221-9160-28917c2cfc2d",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
  "disputed_amount": 500,
  "external_reference_id": "030964295796",
  "id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
  "last_updated_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "memo": "Some details about the reason for creating the dispute.",
  "network": "MASTERCARD",
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "status": "OPEN",
  "tenant": "asbght_iujkio",
  "transaction_id": "018fc168-3ce3-7839-8cd3-a653bc4aa9bc",
  "action_history": [
      "action": "CHARGEBACK",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:58:30.396998Z",
      "external_reference_id": "806796815213",
      "id": "018fc16e-0355-7cea-bf80-b0eddd63d48a",
      "message": "test chargeback",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION",
      "status": "SUBMITTED",
      "supporting_doc_id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
      "action": "PROVISIONAL_CREDIT",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-30T20:26:10.544524Z",
      "id": "018fcb2f-50f4-7514-a82d-e6143f57f25f",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "status": "SUBMITTED",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
      "id": "018e62f5-8141-708f-a924-c706d82876a5",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-30T20:32:03.787519Z",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "action": "REPRESENTMENT",
      "state": "CREATE",
      "supporting_doc_id": "018fcb30-90a1-7221-9160-28917c2cfc2d",
      "message": "Some things about re-presentment",
      "tenant": "paxqlw_poldeo"
  "available_actions": [
      "action": "PROVISIONAL_CREDIT",
      "state": "REVERSE"
      "action": "REPRESENTMENT",
      "state": "ACCEPT"
      "action": "PRE_ARBITRATION",
      "state": "CREATE"
  "lifecycle_state": "REPRESENTMENT",
  "network_eligibility": {
    "is_digital_wallet_token": false,
    "is_three_ds": false
  "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION"

5. Representment Accepted

curl \ 
-X POST \ 
$baseurl/v1/disputes/{$dispute_id}/actions \ 
-H "Authorization: Bearer $apiKey" \ 
--json '
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "action": "REPRESENTMENT",
  "state": "ACCEPT"

Dispute State

The dispute now reflects the final decision and new provisional credit state which is reversed upon the decision to accept financial responsibility of the dispute.

  "account_id": "018fc166-8874-7f3c-943a-178ad1c31903",
  "applicable_regulation": "REGULATION_Z",
  "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "credit_status": "NONE",
  "currency": "USD",
  "customer_id": "018fc166-b34b-7211-aa8d-1ca6c6b7b1e8",
  "date_customer_reported": "2024-05-28T12:25:00Z",
  "decision": "LOST",
  "dispute_documents": [
      "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:56:12.921781Z",
      "dispute_id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
      "file_name": "file.pdf",
      "id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
      "creation_time": "2024-05-230T22:56:12.921781Z",
      "dispute_id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
      "file_name": "file.pdf",
      "id": "018fcb30-90a1-7221-9160-28917c2cfc2d",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
  "disputed_amount": 500,
  "external_reference_id": "030964295796",
  "id": "018fc167-7672-729d-8d43-653518f3d939",
  "last_updated_time": "2024-05-28T22:48:24.279984Z",
  "memo": "Some details about the reason for creating the dispute.",
  "network": "MASTERCARD",
  "payment_rail": "CARD",
  "status": "OPEN",
  "tenant": "asbght_iujkio",
  "transaction_id": "018fc168-3ce3-7839-8cd3-a653bc4aa9bc",
  "action_history": [
      "action": "CHARGEBACK",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-28T22:58:30.396998Z",
      "external_reference_id": "806796815213",
      "id": "018fc16e-0355-7cea-bf80-b0eddd63d48a",
      "message": "test chargeback",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION",
      "status": "SUBMITTED",
      "supporting_doc_id": "018fc16b-bd41-70bc-89fe-f4330867ba73",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
      "action": "PROVISIONAL_CREDIT",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-30T20:26:10.544524Z",
      "id": "018fcb2f-50f4-7514-a82d-e6143f57f25f",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "status": "SUBMITTED",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
      "id": "018e62f5-8141-708f-a924-c706d82876a5",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-30T20:32:03.787519Z",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "action": "REPRESENTMENT",
      "state": "CREATE",
      "supporting_doc_id": "018fcb30-90a1-7221-9160-28917c2cfc2d",
      "message": "Some things about re-presentment",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
      "id": "018e62fa-4e7a-7814-9634-e130c66f6444",
      "creation_time": "2024-05-31T20:32:03.787519Z",
      "payment_rail": "CARD",
      "action": "REPRESENTMENT",
      "state": "ACCEPT",
      "tenant": "asbght_iujkio"
  "available_actions": [
      "action": "PRE_COMPLIANCE",
      "state": "CREATE",
      "timestamp_valid_to": "2024-07-24T00:00:00Z"
  "lifecycle_state": "REPRESENTMENT",
  "network_eligibility": {
    "is_digital_wallet_token": false,
    "is_three_ds": false
  "reason_code": "DUPLICATE_TRANSACTION"

6. Close Dispute

curl \
$baseurl/v1/disputes/{$dispute_id} \ 
-H "Authorization: Bearer $apiKey" \ 
--json '
  "status": "CLOSED"