Sandbox KYB Test Cases

KYB Test Scenarios

The test data below can be used in your sandbox workspace so you can test out the various KYB verification flows described in the KYC/KYB Verification guide.

Specific Test AttributeSpecific Attribute ValueExpected OutcomeExpected Outcome Description
NameUnregistered BusinessRejectedThe business has no Secretary of State filings. The Business returned will have no associated registrations.
NameSimilar Name BusinessReviewThe business has a Secretary of State filing with a similar name to the submitted business name. The "name" review task indicates that a similar name was found to the submitted name.
Address123 Grand St., New York, NY 10013RejectedUnable to identify a match to the submitted Office Address. The submitted address is not found to match any address listed in Business records.
Address223 Grand St., New York, NY 10013ReviewIdentified a similar address. The submitted address is similar to an address that has been found.
Address423 Grand St., New York, NY 10013ReviewIdentified an approximate address. Identified an address within 0.2 miles of the submitted Office Address
AddressInclude "cmra" in address_line1 or full_address (i.e 991 cmra st., New York, NY 10013")ReviewIdentified a CMRA address. Submitted Office Address is zoned by USPS as a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency
AddressInclude "registered agent" in address_line1 or full_address (i.e 991 registered agent st., New York, NY 10013")Review"Identified a Registered Agent address:
Submitted Office Address is actually the address of a Registered Agent, not the actual business"
AddressInclude "undeliverable" in address_line1 or full_address (i.e 991 st. undeliverable, New York, NY 10013"Rejected"Identified an Undeliverable address:
The USPS is unable to deliver mail to the submitted Office Address"
TIN110000099RejectedTIN Name mismatch. The submitted TIN was found to be associated with a different entity name.
TIN111222333RejectedTIN Name unknown. The submitted TIN's status is unknown.
BankruptcyA business name containing the word bankruptcyRejectedThe business will have a bankruptcy. The Business will have a bankruptcy attached.
WatchlistA Business name or Person name containing the phrase watchlist hit.RejectedThe business or person will have a watchlist hit on them
Industry ClassificationAny websiteAcceptedThe business' website will have an industry classification
Industry ClassificationA website containing the words highriskReviewThe business' website will have an industry classification with a high risk result.
SOS Filings DomesticBusiness Name = "Domestic Missing"RejectedMissing Domestic Secretary of State Filing: The business has no domestic filing
SOS Filings DomesticBusiness Name = "Domestic Inactive"ReviewDomestic Secretary of State Filing is Inactive: Inactive domestic filing found
SOS Filings DomesticBusiness Name = "Domestic Unknown"ReviewUnable to detect status of Domestic Filing: No domestic filing status provided
Liens FoundBusiness Name = "liens found"ReviewThe liens search will return records for this business
AnyAnyAcceptedVerified. If none of the above inputs match, the Business will fallback to verifying all information. Given most inputs then, you can expect to receive a Review object with successful tasks.

KYC Test Scenarios

These test cases are intended to be used with the KYC/KYB Verification guide to demonstrate multiple possible flows.

Person Creation RequestVerification RequestExpected OutcomeActual Outcome
{ "last_name": "Hogarth", "first_name" :"Jerri", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "12620 PADDINGTON AVE", "address_line_2": "", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postal_code": "10001", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1976-08-09", "ssn": "293-00-1642", "email": "", "phone_number": "+12125554549", "status" : "ACTIVE", "is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }ReviewReview
{ "last_name": "NELSTEIN", "first_name" :"FOGGY", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "1456 Holman Rd Apt 192", "address_line_2": "", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postal_code": "10001", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1981-01-29", "ssn": "600-00-2071", "email": "", "phone_number": "+19105553605", "status" : "ACTIVE", "is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }AcceptedAccepted
{ "last_name": "WALKER", "first_name" :"PATSY", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "3092 HUDSON ST 7TH FL", "address_line_2": "", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postal_code": "10014", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1981-01-29", "ssn": "600-00-2071", "email": "TWALKER@EXAMPLE.COM", "phone_number": "+12125552916", "status" : "ACTIVE", "is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }AcceptedAccepted
{ "last_name": "FISK", "first_name" :"WILSON", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "3116 S 4TH ST", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Brooklyn", "state": "NY", "postal_code": "11211", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1981-01-29", "ssn": "600-00-2071", "email": "MR.FISK@EXAMPLE.COM", "phone_number": "+12125550921", "status" : "ACTIVE","is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }AcceptedAccepted
{ "last_name": "RAND", "first_name" :"STANIEL", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "82 CORPORATION AVE", "address_line_2": "", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postal_code": "10013", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1981-01-29", "ssn": "600-00-2071", "email": "", "phone_number": "+12125556698", "status" : "ACTIVE","is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }ReviewReview
{ "last_name": "JONES", "first_name" :"JESSICA", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "5035 W 43RD ST", "address_line_2": "", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postal_code": "10036", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1981-01-29", "ssn": "600-00-2071", "email": "", "phone_number": "+12125550412", "status" : "ACTIVE", "is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }AcceptedAccepted
{ "last_name": "GAO", "first_name" :"MADAM", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "130 IRONSIDE ST.", "address_line_2": "", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postal_code": "10001", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1981-01-29", "ssn": "600-00-2071", "email": "", "phone_number": "+12125556698", "status" : "ACTIVE", "is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }ReviewReview
{ "last_name": "CASTLE", "first_name" :"FRANK", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "2243 W 43RD ST", "address_line_2": "", "city": "New York", "state": "NY", "postal_code": "10036", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1973-09-22", "ssn": "234-00-0168", "email": "", "phone_number": "+12125556698", "status" : "ACTIVE","is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }AcceptedAccepted
{ "last_name": "WING", "first_name" :"COLLEEN", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "2922 HUNTINGTON DRIVE", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Forest Grove", "state": "OR", "postal_code": "97123", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "1987-11-11", "ssn": "732-00-4625", "email": "", "phone_number": "+15035557811", "status" : "ACTIVE", "is_customer":true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }ReviewReview
{ "last_name": "Doe", "first_name" :"Jane", "legal_address": { "default_address_flg": true, "type": "home", "address_line_1": "831 SW Zachary Walks Crest E", "address_line_2": "", "city": "Lake Patriciabury", "state": "TN", "postal_code": "83192", "country_code": "US" }, "dob": "2001-08-04", "ssn": "585-50-6107", "email": "", "phone_number": "+14786011896", "status" : "ACTIVE", "is_customer": true }{ "person_id": "{{person_id}}", "customer_ip_address": "", "customer_consent": true }ReviewReview